Omar at Iraq the Model caught CNN in a bit of incompetence or media bias. He heard about a translation of a press conference with the Iraqi and Iranian foreign ministers in which the Iraqi minister seemed to be saying, according to the English translation from the Arabic, that Iraq supported Iran's use of nuclear technology and the international community should drop its demands that Iran prove its not building nuclear weapons.
Our man on the case Omar got a hold of an Arab audio version of the conference and provided an accurate translation that basically said that Iraq supported Iran's use of nuclear power for peaceful purposes in compliance with international rules and regs.
Don't worry Omar, that this bad translation of the Iraqi minister's comments will be taken the wrong way. No one watches CNN - unless the Iraqi minister was on "Larry King" or "Lou Dobbs" - CNN probably used a Spanish interpreter from one of their immigration stories to save a few bucks.
Meanwhile, you're the man!
Their Spanish interpreter gets $3 an hour. I saw a bumper sticker a couple days ago that said "CNN Lies." I don't know exactly what it refers too, or just in general. Maybe a payback for all the Bush Lied stickers.
Posted by: Larry | May 29, 2006 at 04:15 AM