Laura Ingraham interviewed Kathy Johnson who is in charge of the reconstruction programs in Iraq. She took issue with commentary that brushed off reconstruction as not newsworthy or was just an effort to make the soldiers feel good.
Johnson said there are three aims: security, economy and government that need to be bolstered and stablized. The troops working on reconstruction projects helps the economy with jobs and infrastructure - and the government by helping with basic services provided. Much of the infrastructure crumbled during the regime of Saddam Hussein.
Ingraham brought up the expense of rebuilding Iraq. Johnson said that there is no intention for the US to do it all. The Iraqis and coalition members are contributing - and our dollars help to contribute to get the region on its feet and make it more secure.
Johnson does feel that the media focuses on the bad news rather than the good news - and she says the Iraqis are very grateful. Ingraham asked about the oil money and why it isn't paying for the reconstruction. Johnson said that the infrastructure is so bad that the oil money couldn't pay for it all and there are so many other needs to be paid for with the oil money. She says that new refineries need to be built at the cost of billions. In addition, the infrastructure is constantly under attack. Security costs are also a big chunk of money spent. Even getting fuel is a problem due to the under capacity of the pumping the oil - and much is exported. Johnson also said there is a lot of criminal activity beyond the insurgency and terrorism.
Ingraham asked about graft and Johnson said there were some instances of corruption, but much of it went for reconstruction.
Johnson feels that Ingraham is on the mark in her contention that the media is unbalanced in its coverage of the Iraq war and said it is disconcerting for the troops, the coalition, the contractors and the Iraqis. Ingraham siad that she heard the Iraqi press was more optimistic or balanced than the US press and Johnson agreed.